Featured Artist
Radhinal Indra

I see the history of Bandung where one of the first scientific astronomical observation in Indonesia; Bosscha Observatory. I try to combine the history of Bandung city as one of the oldest celestial observation places in Indonesia with the use of geometric composition close to art deco style.

Addy Debil

Plantation has been playing an important role within the ecosystem and humanity, which has been my inspiration creating artworks.


In this work, Agugn depicts "portal" holes or like other dimensions from which various ornamental plants that I usually encounter every day emerge.

Argya Dhyaksa

Clay figures that become the imaginary plants and decorating the room.


Refering to the music i listen to. The repetition of the line and layer are potraying the harmony within the music.

Erwin Windu Pranata

The nuances of the city of Bandung in general as a city that is famous for the younger generation. The expressive scratches are an abstraction of the dynamic daily life of the Bandung people.

Riandy Karuniawan

It is response of visual phenomenom caused by the existence of paintings of "Jelekong Paintings" along the street Braga. Jelekong is the name of a decorative painting.